Supportive Measures
It is Oklahoma State University's priority to make students safe in their environment.
Many times, students may need support in various aspects of their lives after a traumatic experience. Students can request to put in place a range of supportive measures if impacted by an occurrence of sexual violence. A complaint does not need to be submitted to have supportive measures put in place. The university will maintain confidentiality to the extent possible. To receive supportive measures, contact Student Conduct at 405-744-5470, 328 Student Union.
If Student Conduct is notified of an incident, the victim will be contacted through their Oklahoma State University email to share these potential supportive measures, reporting options and other resources available. This will be done no matter the location of the incident. Supportive measures are available to all parties impacted by sexual violence.
The university will maintain confidentiality to the extent possible. Listed below are possible supportive measures a student may be able to obtain.
If you need any of the measures listed above or would like to learn more about potential supportive measures, stop by the Student Conduct office at 328 Student Union, call 405-744-5470, or email